Applies to   IRIS Manager | Guest Room | Guest Mobile | Guest Web | Mobile Dining 

The Food and Beverage feature is the go-to location to configure and update your menu! Create new Sections, Categories, add items to your menu, and attach images.

Opening the Food & Beverage view

  1. Open IRIS Manager
  2. Select the property you want to manage
  3. Select Content Management > Food and Beverage

The main screen will now display, showing your Food and Beverage Outlets

Navigating your Menu

Displayed here are all the components, conveniently placed together, for you to construct your menu.

  • Outlets - the Outlet is the Container for your Menu
  • Sections - these are the main areas of your menu such as Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • Categories - these exist inside each Section and break down the items into different groups, such as starters, mains, deserts
  • Items - these are your dish items that you wish to sell

And this is how this will look to the Guest

What's next!

Now you are familiar with the Food & Beverage feature, let's look at some tasks you can perform

  1. A simple guide to updating your Menu
  2. Setting your Availability Periods
  3. Publishing your changes with a Version