With iRiS Guest you can test and preview your content changes in iRiS Guest Room, iRiS Guest Mobile and iRiS Guest Web with a feature update called Draft Mode.

In order to enable Draft Mode in your App, first get your app installed and running, or opened in a browser. You can access the App Information modal from opening the Side Menu, and on iOS and Web you can double tap the Side Menu logo, and on Android long press the Side Menu logo:

Entering your PIN in the Draft Mode field and tapping on View Draft will enable the Draft feature. This allows you to create content edits in our platform, and have them available to preview on the app before publishing a version to all of your users. When you want to see the content updates, simply open the Side Menu and show the App Information pop up and you will see the below.

When in Draft Mode, it will replace your brand logo in the Top Bar.

Tapping on Refresh Content will then allow the app to receive the latest changes you’ve saved in our platform, and provide you with the below page loader so you’re aware the app is pulling the new changes down to your device. Tapping on View Live will force the device to go back into the Live mode that your users will see. 

You can keep your device in Draft Mode at all times. If you close the app and re-open it the app will stay in Draft Mode. If you force quit the app it will revert back to Live Mode.

Once the update has finished, the window will close and you can click on Live Version in the top right hand corner to see the Live content that will be pushed out to all of your Apps.