The Text Widget can be used on the Homepage to highlight some information you want to display, and provides a 2:4 Widget size and it works on all iRiS Guest Products. To create the Text Widget:

  1. Navigate to your Property in GXP, and go to Content Management > Homepage
  2. Click on + Add New Widget 
  3. Provide an Internal Name for the Widget
  4. In the Widget Type drop down select TextArea.
  5. The Display Name field is used to show in large Bold on the Widget
  6. The Body Text is used to add your longer form text to show on the Widget

Ensure you then go down to the Widget and set it the Widget Visible. Below, the Display Name of Heddon Hotel is shown, and the Body Text shows just after in the Widget

If you add too much text for the device size it will scroll for the user so they can read the full set of text you add.

The Alarm Widget can only be used with the iRiS Guest Room product, and provides users a way of setting an Alarm that will ring on the iPad. It's a single use Alarm, after it goes off it will need to be set again. To create one:

  1. Navigate to your Property in GXP, and go to Content Management > Homepage
  2. Click on + Add New Widget 
  3. Provide an Internal Name for the Widget
  4. In the Widget Type drop down select Alarm and click on Save

We recommend adding this as either the first or last in the order you set your Widgets, as this will not display on your iRiS Guest Mobile or iRiS Guest Web products. When activated and Saved on the Homepage, it will look like the below.

The feature is very straight forward for the user, tapping Set Alarm prompts the user to enter a time for the Alarm to go off, and tapping on Set Time confirms it. The tablet will make a sound for the Alarm Clock as long as the device isn't muted, or set in Do Not Disturb modes. It will even make a sound when the screen is set to sleep!

You should now be able to create a Text Widget for iRiS Guest, as well as an Alarm Clock widget for iRiS Guest Room.