Categories connect to Sections and are used to store the Items you want to display. To create a Standard Category:

  1. Navigate to your Property in GXP, and go to Content Management > Categories
  2. Click on + Add New Category at the top
  3. Enter an Internal Name and a Category Name that displays on iRiS Guest
  4. Set the Category Type to Standard
  5. Set the Is Visible toggle to Yes
  6. You can add your Items to this Category by clicking on + Add Item at the bottom of the page and moving the Items to the right hand column

Click on Save to create it. This will now show in the Categories area of GXP. If you want to create a Sub-Category do the following:

  1. Repeat Steps 1-4 from the above
  2. Open the Parent Category option and find the Category you want to set as the Parent
  3. Set the Is Visible toggle to Yes

With this completed, you should then see the Categories and Sub-Categories nested in Content Management > Categories.

With iRiS Guest, you can only view Items that are added to the bottom part of the hierarchy. For example

  • If the Hierarchy is Section > Category the Items have to be stored in the Category to be viewed in iRiS Guest
  • If the Hierarchy is Section > Category > Sub-Category the Items have to be stored in the Sub-Category to be viewed in iRiS Guest, if they are stored in the Category they won't be displayed

With iRiS Guest v5.11 and above, you can also set the Category Display Type to customise how the Items are displayed in the Category. There are 3 types:

  • Grid - this displays the Item with a large Image and text
  • List - this displays the Item with no image and just text
  • List & Images - this displays the Item with a small Image and text

You should now be able to create Standard Category, and a Sub-Category to connect to your Sections, as well as setting your display type.