The Standard Section is used to store your Categories and Items, and is shown as one of the options in the Side Menu in iRiS Guest. To create a Standard Section in GXP:

  1. Navigate to your Property and go to Content Management > Sections. 
  2. At the top click on + Add New Section
  3. Provide an Internal Name that is only seen in GXP
  4. Choose an Icon that will be displayed in the Side Menu in iRiS Guest
  5. In the Section Name field, enter the name you want displayed in iRiS Guest
  6. Set the Type as Standard
  7. Set the Is Visible toggle to Yes

When you hit Save this will now show in Draft mode on your app. Below details the rest of the features that work for the Standard Section.

Visible to All Rooms: When set to Yes, every Room that exists in your Property will show the Section in the Side Menu. If you want a Section to be displayed for only a few rooms, then you can add the rooms in the Room Number field. 

  • If you want to add a series of rooms, enter the first and last and separate them with a dash. For example 101-150
  • After that, you can separate individual rooms with a comma. For example 101-150,152-190

Header Title: The Header Title is shown on the iRiS Guest Apps, and you can see it below along with the Image

Choose Image: When you click on +Add Image this opens a window to access your Media Library, simply scroll or search for your Item and click to Add. The iRiS Guest products only support 1 Image being used 

Categories: Categories are shown above, for Example as Nightlife. In order to add your already created Categories you can click on + Add Category and click on the Categories showing on the left, into the right hand column. Clicking Save completes and adds the Categories to your Section. If you want to quickly create new Categories, click on + Add Category and at the bottom click on + Create New Category to the see the below

Simply provide an Internal Name for the Category and a Category Name that will show on iRiS Guest. The type will always be Standard for iRiS Guest.

You should now be able to create a Standard Content Section, add a Header Title, an Image and quick add and create new Categories.