Applies to   iRiS Manager | Guest Room | Guest Mobile |Guest Web | Mobile Dining  

Outlet Opening Hours are assigned to an outlet such as In-Room Dining or Poolside Bar to provide the guests with the information of when an outlet is open or closed. The Outlet opening hours indicate to a guest when they can order from that particular outlet and when they can not. So it is important to ensure that the Outlet Opening Hours are always up to date and set correctly. 

Following this guide, you will be able to setup Outlet Opening Hours and ensure they are kept updated following any operational updates to your service.


To create or update your Outlet Opening Hours, follow these steps:

1. Login to iRiS Manager 

2. Navigate to Setup > Outlet Settings from the sidebar and select Outlet Settings

3. Select the Outlet you wish to create/update the Outlet Opening Hours

4. Scroll down the page until you find Outlet Opening Hours (see the below)

5. You will then need to select each day of the week and setup the opening hours for each day, by selecting Edit

6. When you select , you will be prompted to enter the 'Open' and 'Closed' time - this is set on a 24 hour clock. You can have three separate opening times for an Outlet to accommodate Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner hours.

7. Once you setup each of the days of the week, remember to click save at the top of the page to ensure the Outlet Opening Hours are inputted for your Mobile Dining. Congratulations, your Outlet Opening Hours are now ready!

How does this appear?

You will see the Closed time is set to close at 13:00 (1:00pm) and this is shown on the Outlet Content page.

After clicking into the In-Room Dining and selecting More Info an 'Information' popup will appear which presents the entire Outlet Opening Hours schedule for the week, which we set up in IRIS Manager using this guide!

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