It’s important to note that all content in GXP is originally created in English, with translations applied afterwards in the supported languages.

Contact the support team for assistance in adding languages to the property's webpage.

To translate the content into a required language, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to your Property in GXP, and go to Content Management > Translations. 
  2. Click on the box with the text Nothing selected next to Content: 
  3. Choose an option, such as Section.
  4. Click on the box with the text Nothing selected next to Language and choose a language you want to translate: 

This will load all of the Sections you've created in GXP. To add some translations for your content, in the Name column, click on one of the pieces of content in Purple to open it. Here, you will be able to add your translated piece of content: 

It's this simple to add your translations for all your content in GXP. Remember to add all content into Content Management in English, and only add your translated text in Content Management > Translations. If you don't see your language showing up on the front end, contact the support team for assistance in adding languages to the property's webpage. 

Using The Auto Translate Tool

GXP also has an auto-translate tool that will automatically translate large amounts of content - to use this, first click the "Auto Translate Selection" at the top of the page: 

You can then select the elements you want to translate into your chosen language:

Please be aware that this can overwrite existing translations and is not 100% accurate - it is recommended that you use this as a starting point and check these translations manually afterwards.

You should now be able to use the Auto Translate tool for GXP.